BRAWS strives for a world where all people in crisis have easy access to clean, personally-fitted bras, undergarments, and period products, and that these items are universally considered to be basic necessities. 

BRAWS is a volunteer-driven, community-based 501(c)(3) organization providing resources to empower and dignify women and girls in crisis.

Through partnerships with local shelters, schools, and community organizations, BRAWS distributes new, personally fitted undergarments and menstrual supplies to those experiencing homelessness, transitional housing, domestic violence, poverty, unemployment, single family households, and emergency situations.

Our goal is to ensure clients have their menstrual supplies and underwear needs met in a comprehensive effort to assist in overcoming immediate burdens, provide resources for economic and educational success, aid in achieving stability, as well as increase long-term health benefits and well-being.

BRAWS - Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters - provides new bras, underwear, and menstrual products to women and children in need. 

These supplies are essential, basic needs and a requirement for women and girls to attend work, school, and to be active with their daily lives.  BRAWS was launched out of necessity, when its founder Holly Seibold discovered these products were not being provided by shelters, social services, and other charitable organizations.